Mic check

Trying to keep a blog alive when you forget it even exists is harder than one might imagine.

I got a new phone around a month ago, and I just remembered this place existed when I saw the WordPress app in the Android app store.

And thus this post comes to an abrupt st-

Long time coming

Sitting in class and bored to the point of typing this post out on my iPod touch. I realized I’ve been ignoring this blog for the past year. Just wanted to say that I’m sorry for all you non existant readers for the lack of promised game reviews. And I thunk that’s all I can contribute to my blog in my current state of boredom. I might be moving my blog to another URL. I’ll keep you imaginary people posted… I hope. Also I’d like to wish everybody a happy new year.

Oh look, a beach.

Yesterday, or rather, looking at the time, the day before yesterday, we were very jobless. Yes. I know. Nothing new here. But we were jobless enough to go to a beach. I haven’t been to beaches in a long time and managed to grab a few nice photographs.

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As added torture, here’s a picture of me!


Ha ha ha

Got this funny comment recently:

From saurabh on Against Indian culture my ass!

shut the fuck u ? u bull shit fuck ure mother everynite and dont talk rubbish abt india.its the best

Gave me a good chuckle. Amazes me how fast people are willing to insult me. And damn, fucked up english.


I’m contemplating about two things right now. Killing myself and buying Guild Wars Trilogy over Steam, but I can’t decide in what order. Help would be appreciated.


Just a quick post listing the things you non-existant readers might’ve probably missed since my last proper post.
– My animation course started
– I got a bass guitar
– I got an Xbox 360
– I got a bunch of games for my Xbox 360 which I plan to review eventually… like as soon as I finish that review for Everyday Shooter I promised
– I passed out of my sketching module with not-so-flying colours… pictures later.
– I spent new years at Mihir’s place with a hell lotta vodka
– I got better at playing my afformentioned bass
– My external 500 gig HDD is screwed and is now being replaced by the nice people at SeaGate
– My computer has been to hell and fucking back in January
– I spent Valentine’s Day alone in a very depressed manner
– Had epic laughs when a friend, Devdeep, got drunk… that day is henceforth refered to as the Day of the Amoeba.

That’s pretty much it… rather eventful half-year I’d say… atleast by my standards.

Here’s a list of games I own for my 360
– Fable 2
– Gears of War 2
– Forza Motorsport 2
– Viva Pinata
– Halo 3
– Saint’s Row 2
– Grand Theft Auto 4
– Ninja Gaiden 2
– Blue Dragon

And I own a bunch of games on Xbox live arcade which I will not list here because I cant remember and I cannot be arsed to switch internet connections and start my xbox and check.

The only games I bought for my PC after my previous proper post were
– Fallout 3
– Red Alert 3 (which I still haven’t played yet because my DVD ROM is acting up)

I know I know, not the awesome post I promised but good enough.

Long overdue

Just a bump to this old blog. I’ll definitely be making an update tomorrow. That’s right motherfuckers, soil yourselves in glory of my awesomeness.

What is wrong with us?

First things first. I am severly pissed off about the government making it compulsary for shops in Mumbai to have their names on the boards written in Marathi. What the fuck is this? Sure this is supposed to make life easier for people who can’t read english, but what about places like Barista, Cafe Coffee Day or your average gaming/internet cafe? Those places can’t and rather, don’t want to cater to people who cant read english. I mean come on, how the fuck can a non-english speaking guy surf the internet, or order coffee from the english menus in the coffee shops, or play games? Please don’t tell me that the government’s next course of action is to either localize or shut down the import of video games and shutting off access to the internet just because some people were too retarded/poor/lazy to learn how to read/write/speak english? If this happens, say goodbye to the thought of India ever getting on the international map.
Now, for more serious criticism about our fair city.

Over the course of this week, I just realized something which I failed to realize for the past eighteen years of my life.
Mumbai is full of hyppocrites.
As my regular readers know (that’s right, all three of you), I was at I-Rock this saturday and it was the most mother-fucking awesome concert of my life. The lineup was an awesome mix-and-match of bands from different areas with my favorite performance being the non-contesting awesomeness of Zero. Anyways, this was to be Zero’s final performance and guess what? Just because it was 10:30 PM, the police decided to do something useful (they’d like to think so) with their lives and stopped the final performance. Its alright, just obeying the law, right?
Wrong. Now we have the utterly useless holiday of Ganpati or whatever the fuck it’s called and I’m trying to keep myself from going on a homicidal rampage from all the crap garba music playing outside my house at 12:30 am. What the fuck people? Arent the cops supposed to stop that? Are people taking home some clay idols THAT much more important than getting some sleep? Religion is destroying us people.
Which brings me to another point.
Religion is destroying us. Yeah, it is. I mean every religions holiday, we have noise, pollution, unrequired expenditure on shit that’s gonna be taken down in two days. Wouldnt that money have been better spent on some charity? Or how about making the roads here better? I seriously fear the time when religion becomes compulsary. Imagine school teaching children that evolution is a lie and that creationism is the truth? Do we really want to live in a place like that? Let our children study in schools like that?
I would like some people performing a massive social experiment. Put some atheists/agnostics on an island and see how long it takes for them to become independant and successful. This would truly make a noticable dent in the facade that is religion.
With that out of the way,

EVERYDAY SHOOTER KICKS ASS! Expect a review by tomorrow or something. 😉


As the name of the topic would suggest, I saw The Incredible Hulk yesterday. IT WAS AWESOME!
Seriously, stop reading this and go see it. NAO!
In any case, the story was an amazing mix of action and love story, just like the comics. Just a wee bit disappointed because they didnt show the grey Hulk. Oh well. Edward Norton did an amazing job. This is one of the reasons that guy is my favourite actor.
Anyways, I’m not gonna review and spoil the movie for you people. Get the fuck out of your homes and go watch the movie.

Epic What-The-Fuckery

Had a sleepover at Advait’s place last night. We came up with this epic what-the-fuckery.

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